Christian Education

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).”

Our Christian education ministry consists of small groups that concentrate on teaching and learning, fellowship, support, community ministries, and accountability. Members of small groups build their knowledge of the Bible, the Christian faith, The United Methodist Church, and the societal context in which the church finds itself. In addition, small groups, including the church school, provide people with opportunities for practicing skills for faithful discipleship, including but not limited to worship, faith sharing, the creation of new faith communities, spiritual discernment, Bible study, theological reflection, prayer, community building, service with the poor and marginalized, and advocacy for peace and justice.

Adult Education

Adult classes meet every Sunday morning except Easter. The classes do Bible study or life application topics at various times of the year. Classes are relatively informal. Depending on the topic, some advanced preparation is occasionally required before attending, but most Sundays it is relatively easy to drop in and join the discussions.

Special classes meet in the evenings during the week. Special classes are frequently offered before Christmas during the Advent season, before Easter during Lent, or late summer to increase awareness that stewardship consists of commitment of prayer, time and talent as well as finances.

Long term studies requiring a weekly commitment for 26 to 32 weeks are also offered. Disciple Bible Study resources and Companions in Christ are examples.

Elementary Education

Sunday school during the worship service is offered for elementary school aged children. The classes meet during the school year and take summer vacation to follow the local school calendar.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is held every summer and is open to any denomination. Contact us to learn which week is scheduled this year. Bible school meets for about 3 hours in the mornings or afternoons for 3 to 5 days depending on the curriculum chosen for that year. It consists of worship time, teaching, games and recreation. As many as 60 local children attend this event each year.


A nursery for infants and toddler is provided during worship services and other times as needed. Our nursery is staffed by trained employees and we work to assure the comfort and safety of any children in our care.